
Everyone knows that if you want to build lean muscle mass then resistance training is a valuable tool. One universal truth is the principle of progressive overload.  This means that in order for a muscle to gain strength, size, or improve performance, you must force your body to adapt to an increasing amount of tension. RubberBanditz power bands are excellent tools for conditioning and strength training. Combining weights and fitness bands is a fantastic way to attack your strength training regimen for the following reasons:

     1)  Exercise bands provide a logical substitute for traditional powerlifting exercises when weights are not rapidly accessible.

    2)  Powerlifting with bands improves joint stability by exerting similar amounts of load while placing less stress on your joints.

    3)  Fitness bands help you break through the ‘sticking point’ at the beginning of the rep when your muscles give the least amount of force.

    4)  The ascending resistance that the bands offer increases as your muscles contract, thus providing a synergistic relationship and a natural compliment to static, isometric, and isometric contractions because your muscles offer an ascending amount of force as they contract.

    5)  Fitness bands add variety when spliced into your workouts and help promote muscle confusion, which tends to positively impact workouts. Muscle confusion is an idea that suggestion that your muscles plateau if challenged with the same workouts over time, and in order to overcome this, one must constantly vary exercises, sets, reps and weight to avoid accommodation.

Here is a constructive way to combine the barbell with fitness bands and harness the power of elastic resistance for a robust leg workout doing squats.

You can adjust the amount of resistance the bands offer by adding more bands or by looping the bands around the barbell or rack. Dig down and give this a shot. Tag us on Instagram or Facebook @rubberbanditz so we can see how you use your bands.

  1. Resistance Band Squats