Table Top on the Pole

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The tabletop (also known as toothbrush) is a strength trick that requires a lot of core engagement. This trick utilizes your arms, abdominals, glutes, and legs. You can start progressing by initially bending the inside leg to touch on the pole as well as using high resistance bands.

  1. To begin, place the leg you want as your outside leg inside of the loop of the band.  

  2. To get into the table top start by standing next to the pole. With your inside arm, grab the pole in regular/truth grip with a bent arm so your hand is about shoulder-height.

  3. Place your thumb up behind your back with the outside hand and grab onto the pole right where your hips begin.

  4. Lean back onto your outside arm, extend your inside arm, squeeze your glutes and abs and lift your legs into the air to make a “table” position into the air.


  • Make sure your outside hand is low on your back so that it helps to evenly disperse the weight of your body.

  • Play with the position/height of your inside arm. Sometimes a bent inside arm can be more helpful depending on the person.

Target Muscles:

  • Bicep, hand grip, forearm, abdominals, glutes, shoulder, quadriceps

Recommended Bands: Heavy Resistance Band (minimal assistance), Robust Resistance Band (medium resistance), Power Resistance Band (maximum assistance)

Force: Balance

Position: Laying down

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